Thursday, August 4, 2011

ARCHIVE: The Museum of Non-Science and Industrious Buffoonery

*** This entry was originally posted to LiveJournal October 22, 2008 ***

This morning I saw a television commercial for The Creation Museum. I've heard of this place. I've seen the road signs on the way to Ohio. "Prepare to Believe," the commercial said. So, as is my way when people try to tell me to believe what logic, common sense, and my heart all tell me is false, I loudly instructed my television to f*ck off.

Anyway, I'd always figured this "museum" was something created by some crackpot in his garage. Between the TV commercial and the web site, apparently it was created by rather a large number of fairly well-funded crackpots.

The web site invited me to take a walk through the 6,000 years of history (never mind that they're off by about six orders of magnitude). It explains dragon lore by suggesting that humans and dinosaurs lived alongside one another. "Biblical history is the key to understanding dinosaurs," says the web site. Really? Really?

It seems to me that if these people really wanted to be strictly biblical in their cosmology, then they'd have to claim that outer space doesn't exist (yet they admit it does, because they have a planetarium that's supposed to feel like a rocket taking you there). The sky would be a big dome arching over the flat earth, which is surrounded by water, and the sun, moon, and stars would be fixed to this dome. This is in Genesis; look it up if you want. Second chapter.

Hey, I have an idea: let's start a bunch of other "museums" with equally sound scientific bases:

- The Flat-Earth Museum

- The Spontaneous Generation Museum (the maggots forming in meat exhibit is not to be missed!)

- The Terra-centric Universe Museum

- The Museum of Bodily Humours

Look, if you really, really want to believe that the bible is literally true word-for-word as an accurate document of science and history, then at LEAST please spare those of us with two neurons to rub together your feeble attempts to provide "scientific" explanations for your crackpottery. Thank you.

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