Wednesday, August 3, 2011


*** This entry was originally posted to LiveJournal April 17, 2008 ***

 I received a book yesterday that I ordered a few days ago. It's called Wisdom for the Journey, by Don Jones. It is a collection of proverbs he came up with over twenty-five years or so of his own personal work. I know Don. He is an extraordinary, wise, and powerful man. He has also forgotten more about D. H. Lawrence than the rest of us will ever know, but that's beside the point. :-)

Go to Two Snakes Publishing ( and buy Wisdom for the Journey. In the meantime, I'm going to start showcasing some of Don's proverbs on my MySpace and/or Facebook profiles. My hope is that these will inspire you for your life and inspire you to buy the book.

Here is the very first proverb in the book: "Depression is the lid you keep on a geyser of feeling you fear to express."

While I'm plugging media produced by friends of mine, I'll repeat a plug I've offered before. Go to CD Baby ( and buy "Incredibly Eclectic," the CD by one of the more beautiful women, human beings, and voices I know--Lori Ecker.

Personal tastes will vary, of course, but I'd be surprised if you would regret either purchase.

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