*** This entry was originally posted to LiveJournal June 4, 2007 ***
- Let's see, how am I feeling? Take a moment, breathe into my body . . . predominantly I'm feeling happy. I've also got my (unfortunately) fairly standard undercurrent of fear cooking away, and I've got anger going too. A piece of the fear is the "background count" I tend to feel much of the time at/about work. I've connected with some little corners of what that's about, and there's clearly more work to be done there. The rest of the fear is the standard fear I carry about all of the things on my to-do list: trim the shrubbery, clean the house, paint the living room, replace the curtains, clean the fence, read some scripts, etc. The anger is about sitting in this office and not doing any of those things. That fear and anger (and much of the to-do list) are just shadowy distractions so I'm not going to give the wheel of the bus of my mind to either of them.
- Right now I'm listening to the same song that, in the film Shaun of the Dead, Shaun and Ed are listening to at 4 AM on Sunday when Pete comes in and throws the LP out the window. It was on one of the CD's that I used to compile the mondo funk collection I made for Catherine for Christmas (though I didn't use the song in the collection). I've made a big list of all the music that I ripped for that and for any other reason, and so right now that song is playing. How much fun is that? If you haven't seen that particular bit of cinematic brilliance and you don't know what I'm talking about, you must watch the film immediately. Seriously. Stop reading this right now and go watch it. It's the best romantic comedy with zombies (or romzomcom, for short) ever made. Never mind that it may be the ONLY romzomcom ever made. Anyway, the song--in case you're wondering--is "Hip Hop, Be Bop (Don't Stop)" by Man Parrish. Just remember, as Ed says and in spite of the title, "It's not hip hop. It's electro. Pr*ck." Yes. I am a Shaun of the Dead geek. It's one of those movies to which I can quote the lines even if the movie isn't on (a true geek benchmark if ever one existed). I've only ever tried to get up to the point at which the zombies start showing up on Sunday morning, but that's largely because by that time it usually hits me how much time I've just spent quoting the lines to a film and I move on to some other activity.
- Saturday was a very big day. Catherine and I started out the day at the Vintage Indiana Festival, which was a LOT of fun. We ran into Brian briefly, which was a nice surprise. Though I gather from a voice mail he left me yesterday and from his blog that the rest of the day didn't go so well for him. Ouch, man. I hope you feel better soon. We tasted some good wines (and some not-so-good ones), I got a print that'll work wonderfully in my redecorated kitchen, we both got T-shirts, Catherine got to look at some new Saturns, and we just generally had a really good time. We definitely would have stayed longer if I hadn't double-booked us for the day. Oops. Saturday was also my 15th college reunion. Hardly seems possible, but it was. Anyway, we had a great time there too. I was sad not to see more of my fraternity brothers/classmates, especially since we also broke ground for the brand new TKE chapter house that day. This was the first time Catherine had ever seen the Wabash campus. She kept repeating that she could see why I fell in love with the place. It's pretty infectious, and I'm glad she got it. I had a great chance to chat with Drs. Morillo and Blix--two of my very favorite professors (very likely the top two) in the whole faculty. I also saw retired professor Dr. Hall Peebles. He looked pretty old and frail, but frankly I was pleasantly surprised to see that he's still alive. So that was great. We got back to my house and started watching A Mighty Wind, but she was conked out on my sofa by the time Mitch arrived at Mikki's house (which, if you haven't seen it, is pretty early in the film).
- I went to Napster and downloaded some other songs from the Shaun of the Dead soundtrack. The CD is available on Amazon only as an import and it's like $37. I don't want it THAT badly. So I went and got some of the songs I wanted (and could find) for $0.99 each. Much better. I have to laugh when I hear "White Lines" from Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five. That's what Shaun and Ed are singing as they leave the Winchester and sing with the zombie before going back to the house and putting on Man Parrish.
- If you want to hear a tremendous local vocal talent and help out a very dear friend of mine, check out http://cdbaby.com/cd/loriecker and buy her CD, "Incredibly Eclectic." And it is eclectic, too. I posted a rather lengthy review to that site, so check it out. I'm reminded of this because one of her songs just came up on my big music list on my computer. Right after "Atomic Dog" and right before "Brick House." So I guess my music list is incredibly eclectic too. Only I don't sing any of it. I could if I ripped my Wabash Glee Club CD's to the list, but I haven't done that as yet.
- I watched Ringu and The Ring for the first time each yesterday. I was actually surprised to learn that the American version is actually creepier. I mean, not so creepy that I didn't turn out the lights when I went to bed last night, but creepiER than was the Japanese version. Later in my Netflix queue I've set up a similar comparison between Ju-On and The Grudge. We shall see.
- In July I'll be taking Lilly to California to see my mom. It'll be Lil's first time on an airplane and first time seeing a beach. I'm pretty excited.
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