Wednesday, August 3, 2011

ARCHIVE: Request for Feedback

*** This entry was originally posted to LiveJournal July 19, 2007 ***

So I'm interested in getting a little feedback here. I'll appreciate your help, if you would give it for a moment.

Here's the question on which I'd like your feedback. Do you experience me as an extrovert or an introvert?

I was trying to determine the other day which term characterizes me, and I realized that I seem to have strong tendencies in both directions. For years I assumed that I am an introvert, and for years I dare say I sure acted like one. But was that because it's my nature or because of my emotional disconnection coupled with the isolation I created for myself due to all my not-good-enough garbage? I was very out-there and gregarious as a young child (Lilly didn't get ALL of her nature from Julie). I really like having people around sometimes, and sometimes I really like NOT having people around. When I'm in a group of people I don't know, it's still a struggle for me to make small talk. I can DO it, but I have to really focus at it. Again, I'm not sure if that's because it's not in my nature or because I got so out of practice in all my closed-off years. I do think I've gotten a lot better at it over the past few years, but still.

I know the answer to the question lies nowhere but in me, AND I still think feedback can be a valuable part of such processes.

So thanks for your help. I will look forward to the responses I get.

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