Thursday, August 4, 2011

ARCHIVE: I Am the Spider Who Thinks Himself a Fly

*** This entry was originally posted to LiveJournal March 22, 2011 ***

I am the spider who thinks himself a fly.
I put on a highly convincing ruse of looking and acting like a fly.
I even believe it myself.
Flies approach, all unawares, believing they're getting companionship with a fellow fly.
I believe they are too.

I am the spider who thinks himself a fly.
The flies don't recognize and I don't remember my spidery nature.
So we are both surprised to find my acuminate spider fangs plunged into their fly hearts
And my corrosive, pestiferous, baneful spider venom coursing through their fly veins.
Surprised to find I have drunk their insides dry.
Surprised by the exquisite, ruthless perfection of my ensnarement.
By then, it is too late.

I am the spider who thinks himself a fly.
The pile of crumpled, desiccated fly husks beneath my lair somehow does nothing to shatter my delusion.

I am the spider who thinks himself a fly.
Beware me, flies.
Beware me, myself.

I am the spider who thinks himself a fly.

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